- Aquarius
- conch reef research in the Florida Keys.
- Coral
and Shell Pictures - features video, pictures, and
descriptions of coral reefs.
- Coral
Realm - ThinkQuest project featuring information on different
species, ecology, and a database of pictures.
- Coral Reef Fishes
- Coral
Reef Research Institute - University of Sydney (Australia) -
mission is to enhance the conservation and good management of
coral reefs through education and research.
- Coral
Reefs and Mangroves: Modelling and Management - a 3-year
project supported by the Australian Institute of Marine Science
and the IBM International Foundation.
- CoralRealm
- features travel logs, photographs, species profiles, and a
seachable database.
Reef Research Centre - provides scientific information,
education, and training to enhance reef-based industry and
management of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area.
- Discovery
Bay Marine Laboratory - research and teaching primarily on
coral reefs, but also on inshore oceanography, fisheries, and
terrestrial ecology. Affiliated with the University of the West
- Fisheye
View Cam - views of coral reefs and fish.
- Florida
Caribbean Science Center - conducting research in the
southeastern US and Virgin Islands focusing on nonindigenous
aquatic species, coral reef ecology, marine studies, and
- Hawaiian
Islands Coral Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program (CRAMP) -
background information and scientific assessments and data about
more than 40 Hawaiian coral reef scientific study sites. Search
the bibliographic database.
- Hyperspectral
Imaging for Environmental Intelligence - examples of littoral
zone mapping in Hawaiian coral reefs and mangroves using imaging
- Issue
Spotlight: Coral Reefs - highlight information on US efforts
to preserve reefs.
- Jurassic
Reef Park - virtual trip to the reefs of the Jurassic Period
featuring abundant images and text.
- Life
on the Reef - follow an expedition in the Bahamas by marine
biologists as they study creatures along one of the world's
largest barrier reefs.
- Non-Destructive
Coral Health Monitoring - resource for coral health assessment
methods, coral zooxanthellae symbiosis, and the efffects of the
abiotic environment on the symbiosis.
- Reef
Check - international program using recreational divers and
marine scientists to complete the first global survey of coral
- Reef
Ecosystems - information about the Great Barrier Reef
- Reef
Life - habitat, varieties of coral reefs, coral reproduction,
and more.
- Reef
Zone Tour - a brief tour of the various zones which make up a
coral reef.
- Reefnet
- coral reef scientific articles, research findings, international
conservation strategies, and management techniques.
- provides information about the #reefs chat channel, which hosts
guest speaker meetings. Also offers a virtual library of articles
and papers.
- Tropical
Field Ecology - college-level course exploring coral reefs
surrounding San Salvador Island, Bahamas. Credit offered through
Emporia State University.
- Zubi's
Wetpage - offers a collection of underwater photos of coral
reef fish and invertebrates as well as travelogues for divers and
links to marine biology sites.
- Australian
Coral Reef Society - for the study and protection of coral
Reef Research Centre - provides scientific information,
education, and training to enhance reef-based industry and
management of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area.
- Reef
Ecosystems - information about the Great Barrier Reef
- Artificial@
- Conservation
- Ningaloo
- dedicated to protecting the coral coast and stopping a
proposed marina resort.
- Conservation >